Outdoor Games That Promote Healthy Play Time For Kids

As a kid, I was always looking for an opportunity to have fun while staying healthy. Outdoor games fit that exact criteria perfectly. Growing up, my friends and I would often head out to the park or even just the backyard to play. We would often rotate which game we’d play, and splat guns had always been something I enjoyed.

The goal of the game was to try and shoot your opponent with the soft, colorful foam shots fired out of the gun before they were able to shoot you first. The game was always fun and it was one of our favorite activities. Not only was it a great way to burn off some of our excess energy, it also helped us to build teamwork and even strategize against our opponents in order to be successful.

There were other games that we played that promoted physical activity as well, ranging from touch football to tag. No matter the game, we were always sure to get up, move around, and work up a sweat. We were always doing something and most importantly, we were outdoors. Being able to get that natural light, fresh air, and time to connect with nature while still having fun and getting physical exercise was invaluable.

One thing that I learned by playing outdoor games during the summer months was to appreciate the sunshine. The heat and humidity of the summer months allowed us to come out and truly indulge in the fun we were having. The sun would provide us with an extra level of energy, one that was refreshing and invigorating.

My friends and I would often come up with new games and activities to play as well. We would often take walks around the block and explore. I remember us coming up with scavenger hunts and crazy relays, just to spice up our regular exercise routine and to keep things fresh. That’s part of why our friendship grew so strong; we were always looking for new ways to challenge and motivate each other.

Playing outside and connecting with nature was a great way to stay in shape and healthy both physically and mentally. It’s amazing the positive effects that spending more time outdoors can have on a child. Not only were we able to stay active and in shape, but we were also able to form strong bonds with one another, as well as learn about teamwork, strategy and tactics.

The use of splat guns in our outdoor adventures was something that I truly enjoyed and learned to appreciate. Playing such an active and intense game, where speed, accuracy, and strategy all play an important role, truly motivated us to be our best selves and have the most successful experience possible.

I’m all the happier that outdoor games like this were, and still are, such an important part of my childhood. Being able to stay healthy and connected with nature, while also having fun and enjoying time with my friends was incredibly important to me. It’s something that I will never forget and something that I believe all kids should experience.

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